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IPhone Training Course Review 

IPhone Training Course Review is an analysis of the IPhone Video Lessons for: Ease of use, Effectiveness and Customer Support.

Not even at the urging of my friends and family did I get rid of my first IPhone.  It wasn't until I picked up my 5 year old iPhone and saw the message "no SIM card" did I finally decided it was time to get rid of the IPhone I got for my 2008 birthday present, and get a new one. I got the iPhone 5. What a shock! I needed IPhone Help.

I was told many times that the later model iPhones were so much more advanced than the one I had I would have to learn to use the new IPhone from scratch again. With all the latest and greatest technological advancement that have come along since I got my first iPhone.

I figure I shouldn't have any problems navigating this little gadget after all I have been using the iPhone over 5 years how hard could it be? So, I attempted to figure it out myself. But after having my iPhone for over three months and still couldn't do what I wanted to do quickly and easily as I could with my first iPhone and didn't have the time or the patience to go into my iPhone's settings or visit the App Store, I got completely frustrated. I didn't have all that time to spend trying to figure it out myself. I wanted simple, easy step-by-step instructions.

I checked Barnes and Noble for an A B C instruction manual for this thing but, the books were all huge and would require way more time than I had or was willing to invest. Then, I used my trusted Google search and found myself hopping all over the place. After a few hours searching and couldn't find a simple easy straightforward set of instructions that would assume I knew nothing about my iPhone and completely guide me step-by-step to speed this learning thing along I put the iPhone aside and decided I would get back to it later.

About a month later I decided to refresh the tools on my website when in my quest for the best, I came across iPhone Video Lessons, I watched their video and realized this was exactly what I needed to learn my new iPhone. What really sold me though was the 60-day money back guarantee. I thought if it didn't show me how to do what I wanted to do within a short period of time, I was hopeless, and I could just ask for my money back.

Well, I must say I didn't need to take advantage of the money back guarantee because, I've learnt more than I will ever need. These aren't "cheesy" camera videos of someone using their phone. These are illustrated, step-by-step video tutorials. They really tap into my shortness of time and need to learn things visually and quickly and not through too many words in some book.

Overall, I'm very pleased with these videos. The instructions are simple clear step-by-step easy to follow directions that when I followed them as directed I got the results I wanted, the customer service is good. I emailed a question and it was responded to in a timely manner I got back a response in just a couple hours.

All the frustrations I had with my new iPhone are gone. I am in control of my iPhone now it doesn't control me.

I highly recommend these videos to anyone like me who want easy, simple straight forward, step-by-step instructions to get the most out of their iPhone.

Check out IPhone Training Course!